Tuesday, February 7, 2012

5 reasons to quit smoking in college

Why should you stop smoking while still in school?

You're young, healthy, and carefree.


Here are the top 5 reasons for you to quit while you're ahead.

Reason #1: Smoking is No Longer Sexy

Gone are the days of badasses in leather jackets lighting up on the back of a motor cycle. 

In the health-concious society we live in today, smoking is an automatic turn off.

Tossing the butt might grab you some tail.

Reason #2: Alienates Non-Smoking Peers

Aside from repelling possible love interests, smoking might lose you friends.

Second-hand smoke is a legitimate health concern, and people are quick to leave a smoker high and dry in favor of a longer life.

Besides health concerns, smokers are often accompanied by an unpleasant smell that will give some people a headache.

Reason #3: Addiction Will Last a Lifetime

You may justify your addiction by reminding yourself that you are young, and you have all the time in the world to quit.  

In reality, with every cigarette comes a stronger addiction.

The time to quit is now.

Reason #4: Creates Clean Air and Clean Campus

Cigarette butts are a terrible thing to sit on as you try to enjoy an outdoor lunch at the quad.

With cigarettes comes litter, of the air as well as the land.

Reason #5: It Costs Too Much Money

Almost by definition, College students lack money.

Instead of buying a $7 pack of smokes, why not spend that on a meal?

Smokers will spend thousands of dollars on cigarettes over their lifetime. Save your money.

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